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These days, it seems like to be a mom, you have to be an interior designer, gourmet cook, writer, and overall creative genius.  While I love Pinterest and blogs as much as the next girl. Sometimes as I’m perusing the Web, I just  think: Woa, that looks pretty, but I could never do that, and I don’t really want to try.  Trying to would mean a way-too-early dose of Mommy Guilt that I’m just not ready for.

That said, I’ve been looking at doable projects for Baby that I could actually complete.  There are projects and there are PpppprrrrrOOOOoojjjjeeeeeCCCCCTTTTsssssssss.  I’m more into the former.  I like to start a project, work on a project, and finish a project in a timely manner.  If it takes too long (unless its knitting), I get frustrated or annoyed and lose interest.  (I feel similarly about dinner, too.  Sorry, Gregg.)  Here are some doable baby DIY projects (not PpppprrrrrOOOOoojjjjeeeeeCCCCCTTTTssssssss)  that I like and may attempt.

Doable Project: Monogrammed Canvas with Buttons

Doable Project: Mobile

Doable Project: Another mobile with other cutie vintage pictures that I couldn’t crop out. 🙂

Doable Project: Lace in Embroidery hoops

This is from the Nester.  The subtitle of her blog is: It doesn’t have to be Perfect to be Beautiful. This is the life statement that I didn’t know I had.  Doesn’t look like baby, but still very feminine, which I like.

Not a project, just inspiration.  I love the turquoise Chevron pattern.

And then there’s knitting.  There’s about a bogozillion things that I would like to knit for this baby.  Here’s just one.


My baby HAS to make this face if I make her this poncho.

Its hard to tell if I thought of any of these ideas myself or if they were all stolen from Pinterest.  Maybe I can say “inspired by”, as opposed to “stolen from.”

By the way, we found out that we’re having a girl!!  In case you couldn’t tell by my ultra-feminine design board here.

English: Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco Bay...

San Francisco Bay

When I move to a new place, I become really brave because I am desperate for friendship.  In 2007, when I moved with two friends to San Francisco after college, we did the most random things.  At the time, I didn’t recognize that they were random, I just thought they that were part of exploring a new city.  I guess random and exploration go hand in hand.  Within our first week, we got offered cocaine by an Egyptian that we met at a bar, a Rastafarian asked if he could touch my feet, and the three of us showed up uninvited to a house church that I had found out about on-line.  (For the record, we did not accept the cocaine, I don’t remember if I let the gentleman touch my feet, and we never went back to the house church.)  Okay, are you getting the idea?  Random and desperate.


Since then, my life has changed A LOT (I hate using those two words, but sometimes they are the only two available to convey the message that I’m going for).  I’m married.  I don’t live in a city.  BUT, I do live by a bay, and I am still desperate for friendship.  In San Francisco, I was OVERWHELMED by things to do and people to meet.  There were at least ten posters on every shop windowadvertising an upcoming concert/street fair/festival, etc.  On the Eastern Shore, its a bit more like a scavenger hunt.  They (the things to do and the people to meet) make you work to find out where they are.

Chesapeake Bay Bridges

The Other Bay-the Chesapeake

Since we have moved here, I have found solace in crafting.  Knitting and sewing have been my focus.  I’ve also been reading, but crafting gives me the sense of productivity and creativity that my personality type craves (or so I’ve read).  I’m hoping to find not only solace in crafting but friendship as well.  At church last week, a woman told me that she and some other women meet from 3:00 to 11:00 (8 hours!) on Fridays to craft.  Potential friendship opportunity #1.  AND this weekend, Gregg’s mom Elizabeth treated me to my first skein of Baby Alpaca yarn (oh so soft!) at a yarn shop called Purls.  The woman behind that counter told me that a group of women knit together on Thursday evenings.  She said socializing is half the priority.  Potential friendship opportunity #2.

If I had a group of friends, I would not venture out to craft with people that I didn’t know.  I would probably just work on my projects at home by myself.  BUT, I’m desperate and brave.  So, I’ve got to go give this friendship through crafting shot.

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