You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2012.

I told myself that I would not blog at work, but, really, what choice do I have?  I have not wanted to blog lately.  I have not felt like I had anything to say.  This is kind of weird because we have so much going on.  I’m still figuring out all of this working/living/resting/blogging/keeping house stuff.  How can I do it all?  Not sure.  Blogging at work may be a start though.

Mini update:  I went on a girls’ weekend with my BFFs from college only to return to a husband with severe abdominal pain.  (Gregg was the one with the abdominal pain, not me.)  At first I thought the pain was due to missing me too much.  It wasn’t.  The doctor thought that the pain might be his gall bladder, but all the tests they ran came back negative.  Luckily, we avoided an ER visit (and the bill that would have gone with it).  We’ve also perked up our diet to include more leafy greens, fresh foods, while avoiding the fatty meats and whathaveyou.  You would think we would have learned our healthy eating lesson by now.  He works on an organic farm, afterall.

What else?  I’m switching jobs.  I’m currently working at an office that specializes in hormone therapy.  The doctor that offered me a job is a psychiatrist in Virginia Beach.  It is a change from women’s health (which I love), but there is the possibility of working closer to home in the future.  We’ll see…  This doctor takes a holistic approach to psychiatry.  More on that later.

Hmmm…  We’re moving (again!) to a farmhouse in July.  I’m not sure when livestock will be joining us at our homestead, but that is the goal.  Gregg had been referring to himself as a farmless farmer for some time.  These two acres with barn and fencing will fix that.

Okay, I think that’s all for now.  🙂


Austin and Megan are our very very good couple friends.  We went to Hawaii together.  We started a small group together.  We got married a couple of months apart.  We cooked dinner together once a week.  We lived down the street from each other.  And, now, they’re coming to visit us.  Our friendship continues.  🙂

With Austin and Megan, Gregg and I learned how to have couple friends.  Friendship changes when you get married.  I’m less vulnerable with my girlfriends than I was when I was single because I’m not only dumping my stuff out on them but my husband’s and my marriage’s as well.  With couple friends, I can be vulnerable because Gregg is right beside me to defend himself if needed.  Or, I can check in with him as I am talking, “are you okay if I tell them this?”  He can’t really say no at that point, but at least I ask.

The best part of couple friends is the “us, too” part.  When I share something with a girlfriend about myself, a huge part of me is sharing so that they’ll tell me I’m not alone.  “Me, too” or “I know what you mean,” can be the most reassuring and refreshing of phrases when I am pouring my guts out.  When Gregg and I share with Austin and Megan, there is almost always a “the same thing happens to us, too” during the conversation.  Marriage isn’t all hard, but when it is, to know that other couples have issues and even the same ones can be so encouraging.

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